Xtrallux Laser Cap Boxes

Xtra Lasers. Xtra Density. Xtra Options.

Shop Laser Caps

Shop our laser caps to treat hair loss direct from the manufacturer. Affordable and luxurious, we offer xtra everything for all budgets and density. Choose from our entry-level, advanced and professional models.

Discover Xtrallux's Power.

Now available without a prescription.

Xtrallux offers a competitively priced, comprehensive range of laser caps, each featuring the highest number of lasers in the market, tailored to meet the unique hair health needs of every customer and ensuring personalized, effective hair regrowth solutions.

Which model is right for you?

The main difference between our models is the density of lasers within the device. Higher-end models contain more laser diodes which are more closely spaced to each other for greater density of coverage. More lasers provides the scalp with more areas receiving treatment; for overall greater results with more lasers. You will likely notice results faster with the higher-end models as there are more areas of the scalp receiving treatment. We provide xtra options in models for all budgets.